Leica has also added an electronic shutter option with speeds as fast as 1/16,000 sec, which facilitates shooting with large-aperture lenses in bright light. Unlike previous Ms, the shutter blades are no longer painted different shades of grey for light metering One button has moved from the front to the top, and the styling has sharpened up a little, but that’s about it. But you wouldn’t know it from the outside, as the two cameras look very similar. While the 60MP Leica M11 arrived just seven months after the 40MP M10-R, it marks the first major redesign since the original M10 appeared, five years ago.

So whenever a new-generation model appears, it’s something of an event. Uniquely they can also boast an unbroken lineage back to the Leica M3 of 1955, having made the leap from film to digital with surprisingly little change in design. They’re the last surviving example of a camera type that was long ago made almost completely redundant by SLRs, but which still offers characteristics that some photographers find highly desirable. There’s something very special about Leica’s M-series rangefinders. Optical viewfinder, 0.73x magnification.